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Differentiating services through Gunnebo’s Automated Safe Deposit Locker solutions

Customers are reacting positively because this facility increases their freedom to enter the bank at any time and directly access their valuables” – Augusto Dell’Erba, President of BCC Castellana Grotte.

The background:

In order to differentiate its services from competitors, BCC Castellana Grotte, a cooperative bank with 13 branches covering the regions of Puglia and Basilicata in the South of Italy, was seeking to offer a modern safe deposit locker service, but without physically expanding the branch. Also, the new service had to provide much greater flexibility for their customers and at the same time offer a cost-saving solution to the bank.

The solution:

With SafeStore Auto Maxi, Gunnebo’s automated locker system for large self-service areas, a safe storage solution was found that fulfilled all the bank’s demands.

Customer comments:

Augusto Dell’Erba, President of BCC Castellana Grotte, talks about the advantages this has brought.

“We decided to acquire a system of highly technological, robotised safe deposit boxes to offer our customers a cutting-edge service, because we realised that there was a strong demand for such high-quality services. The benefit we have had as a credit institution is that we have been able to present ourselves to customers with a sophisticated, but at the same time simple-to-use instrument which has accredited us as a bank capable of employing the best technological models. Therefore this definitely gives us a competitive edge.

“Customers are reacting positively, because they understand how the use of this facility increases their freedom, in so far as – unlike previous arrangements – they don’t have to converse with a bank employee beforehand but can enter the bank at any time of the working day and directly access their safe-deposit box, without any downtime and with an absolutely privileged relationship.”

“This service enables us to have the facility managed directly by the customer; it does not require the presence of a physical person to directly deal with this activity. This obviously results in a certain cost saving. But above all, it boosts overall efficiency and the way of accessing the safe-deposit boxes themselves. The customer therefore appreciates this relationship. The SSA is therefore also a tool to differentiate us from competition and to create customer loyalty and retention.”

Watch the video with Augusto Dell’Erba, President of BCC Castellana Grotte, talking about the advantages of SafeStore Auto