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“SafeStore Auto as unique selling point for banks”

The background:
Established in 1982, the Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo is a typical cooperative bank designed to meet the financial requirements of members and customers, creating economic value, as well as social and cultural benefit for the local community. Although young, the bank is firmly established in its region and espouses an innovative strategy that involves offering a range of new services, such as SafeStore Auto, Gunnebo’s robotized self-service safe deposit lockers. The Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo fitted 10 of its 18 branches with SafeStore Auto systems in 2007, and achieved profitability after two years.

The challenge: Stand out by offering innovative services
The decision to adopt the SafeStore Auto solution is in line with the Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo’s strategy to stand out from its competitors by offering innovative banking services and making use of the very latest technology for storing items of value. The bank is hoping to put paid to the idea that small banks often have to have only modest objectives. The Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo is striving to strengthen its brand image on the Italian banking market and confirm its willingness to embrace new technologies. By installing SafeStore Auto safe deposit lockers, the bank is seeking to accelerate its growth, using a new range of services which both help it to enhance the reputation of its brand and optimse the relationships it has with its customers.

The solution: Self-service safe deposit lockers
Gunnebo has perfectly understood the Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo’s requirements and has implemented a customised, secure storage solution. The modular nature of the SafeStore Auto system means that the installation can be modified based on the area reserved and a wide range of compartments of different formats can be chosen from. SafeStore Auto is a flexible system, so space within the branch can be optimised and the solution is customised to meet the specific needs of all Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo branches.

A SafeStore Auto installation can be set up in the basement, behind a self-service terminal or on the first floor – depending on how a given branch is laid out. Branches in the Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo group can also modify the number as well as the dimensions of the compartments without the existing installation being affected. For example, in the first branch in which the system was implemented, 134 lockers of four different formats were installed in a reserved area of only 7 m². A total of 10 out of the bank’s 18 branches have now been equipped with the main aim being to enhance the reliability of the systems in place to optimise running and management costs and provide the bank’s customers with a simple solution – all while maintaining very high levels of security.

The secure self-service SafeStore Auto compartments are entirely automated and can be accessed directly by customers once they have identified themselves and they have been authenticated. Customers no longer have to wait until staff is available, which means that they can access the service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, discreetly and independently without the need for any support. The independence that the SafeStore Auto system gives customers means that bank staff is free to concentrate on other banking activities.

The result: A bank which boasts technological innovation and service quality
With the help of the Safestore Auto system, the Banca di Cavola E Sassuolo has been able to capitalise on its vaults by integrating the very latest technologies into them. The result is that the bank is able to offer a profi table and innovative service that takes up a minimum amount of space while offering clients optimum capacity compartments. The bank also appreciates the fact that SafeStore Auto can be elegantly integrated into existing building work, in a manner that is in keeping with the prestigious architecture that features in some branches. Its particularly aesthetic design means that the system can be installed in perfect harmony with building architecture. Lastly, the Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo is able to offer its customers a solution that is in keeping with the modern features of the banking sector. It can use new technologies to strengthen the day-to-day relationships it has with its customers, providing them with a high-quality modern service. The challenge has been successfully taken up. The Banca Di Cavola E Sassuolo is permanently dispelling the notion that a small bank has to be a modest bank, demonstrating in the process the lead it has stolen over its competitors and its ability to integrate new innovations into its banking offerings for its customers.